Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Look What I Got!

Look what I got, from Sugar Mommy. I am so excited and honored that someone thinks that my little old blog and I are so special. Thank you so MUCH!!!

The qualifications to receive the award are:

A. Display a cheerful attitude.

B. Love one another.

C. Make mistakes.

D. Learn from others.

E. Be a positive contributor to the blog world.

F. Love life.
G. Love kids.

The Rules:

1. Must link it back to the creator

2. Post the rules

3. Choose 5 people to give it to

4. Recipients must fit the characteristics above

5. Create a post to share this

6. You must thank the winner

I pass this great award on to the following women who's blogs I read daily and love! I just wish that i could have chosen more than 5.


Alicia W. said...

YAY!! Congrats sweetie - you deserve it.

Lori said...

awww thank you so much!