Monday, June 22, 2009

"Not Me! Monday"

I don't imagine that MckMama will be doing a "Not me!" Monday post this week with all that they have had going on with Stellan, but I figured I would try to jump back into the swing of things so here goes...

I definitely did not wish on Friday that it was Monday, simply because I wanted it to be the last day of school!

I certainly would not be using disposable diapers at night with Jack so that he would hopefully sleep later in the morning! Nope not me!

I did not have a hissy fit last week when I found out that our summer family vacation isn't going to happen. Our reservations got messed up and we don't have any. Not me, I hold it together way better than that!

I did not have a reality check when Matt and I went out this weekend to get Jack some Thomas Trains and realized how EXPENSIVE they are! HOLY COW!!! $22 bucks for an engine and coal car, are you kidding me! At that rate the train set would cost me more than a thousand dollars by the time we bought all that we wanted! Craigs List and tag sales here I come!

Well, there you have it, the things that I did not do this week! Now that school is out I am going to try and be better about posting!


Charity said...

Yup! That Thomas stuff is outrageous...we ended up going with a generic brand that was at Toys R Us when the boys were in their major train phase. And now it is all in the basement collecting dust because they are ALL about star wars.

I bet you can find great deals on Craigs though. Happy hunting!

Alicia W. said...

I pray my kids don't get into Thomas the train stuff. I had to go to a b-day party with the theme thomas and I went shopping to buy something and WOW! Who would have known a freakin metal train would cost SO MUCH!!

Great Not Me's this week babe.